Here are the minutes in case you missed the earlier publication on our FaceBook page.
Grand Rapids Modern Quilters
May 5, 2015
meeting 7:04 PM
Welcome and
call to order by Kathy N.
Fall Retreat—if you are interested in attending the event at the retreat center
in Holland Oct 30-Nov 1 please send $25 deposit to Nancy by May 19 to hold your
place. Day sewists will be welcome provided there is room.
possibility of a spring quilt retreat was discussed. Lynda will call for
April/May 2016. Lake Ann was suggested as a location. Also Bluegate at
Shipshewana Farmstead
Lotta Blocks:
Cathy M won 9 blocks. Pattern for June meeting will be emailed.
report Nancy reported on balance. She continues to accept annual dues and
retreat deposits
Carroll D
conducted skill school on “tea leaves” (cathedral window) Several brought
fabrics to sew along
Show and
Future skill
school: June-Becky B piped binding
Mary T appliqué with fusible
Minutes by
Claire W (thanks, Claire)
Submitted by
Kelly H"
If you're interested in following us on Facebook search for Grand Rapids Modern Quilters and Kelly will befriend you.
In spite of the very cool weather I just had to wash my kitchen bay window which is over my sink. From cooking and just being in the kitchen a perpetual fog always seemed to be in the backyard. While clearing the plants from the sill area, my little trivet lost a leg. It belongs to the wood frame made especially for a tile block from the old Kent County Courthouse. For those of you new to GR, the demolition of this building began the historical preservation movement in Grand Rapids.
Seems I should have a second trivet/block but can't place where I put it. The Voigt House sold them after guests completed tours. I was saddened to be reminded that the Grand Rapids Public Museum, the owner of the fabulous house, closed the house to regular tours. The tile's pattern that originally attracted my attention, began a life long fascination with patterns and oodles of useless pictures from my various travels. The patterns led me eventually to did you get into quilting....? Maybe one of you with EQ can create a pattern for our group to make or sell.....hint, hint....