Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Shania's Inspiration......

Shania Twain was in Grand Rapids for a concert recently.  Several weeks prior, however, I was instructed it was my motherly duty and attend the concert with my older daughter, Anna.  Well, I like Shania's music, so what the heck!  Oh my goodness.....I like concerts, but I'm not near deaf yet.  Anna also told me my hearing was still too good....growing up is so much fun to witness!  I was also informed that EVERYONE would be wearing western boots.  Well, I'll spare you the picture of me in my new boots and western hat (borrowed from friend Robin).  Robin said I still needed a bull whip....too much fun.  At last minute her friend from grade school wanted to come.  Here's a picture of her best of friends, Kari.
Please note, no western wear on these girls....just Mom!  So, you ask how does one get inspired for a quilt at a very LOUD, an MRI type loud, concert?

Don't those lights just sing cut and slash!  The concert's use of holograms and lights was wonderful.  The inspiration for anyone wanting to use color or not is everywhere. The concert was great, but Anna said it best, "Mom, you're more of an acoustic concert fan."  Yep, pardner, I am, but it was fun to be inlcuded.

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